
Warwick Directories - Ashbourne Life

I’ve really enjoyed writing this article covering broad hints and tips for all your decor needs be them large or small projects.

Thank you to Fiona at Warwick Directories for this months feature slot supporting small businesses in May’s addition of Ashbourne Life.

I hope you find it helpful, inspiring and enjoy a read. It’s the perfect time to get going with a new project or perhaps one you had on hold, if you’d like help then i’d love to hear from you. Head over to my services page for more information and get in contact. Use the links below.

My go to trusted trader for all your home decor and installation is Williams Decorators Derby Ltd.

Happy Bank Holiday weekend.


Creative Crafty Frame Days

In staying safe at home we’re looking for ways to occupy our time, perhaps trying something different or new! There’s been so much amazing sharing across online communities to help brighten our days I wanted to contribute something creative with some ideas for you to get crafty, suitable for both us adults and the kids in the hope they help bring a smile and fill some time.

We can utilise all those supplies we have at home perhaps hidden in cupboards, things we might overlook that can be made of good use for creativity and fun.  With that in mind i’ve created some picture frames with a thing I love, wallpaper. 

This took me back with the idea stemming from being a kid when I wasn’t particularly gifted at free hand drawing so i’d just draw lots of squiggly geometric shape outlines on paper and colour them in, whilst always cutting and sticking bits and pieces, including photos and drawing on walls much to the dismay of my folks, oops.

Here’s a breakdown of what I did with some tips and alternative ways and materials you might like to use in adapting them to your own personal style.


I have this thing with wallpaper! I love wallpaper and all the dynamics it brings to a space, it makes me giddy alongside paint of course. I gathered my wallpaper stash samples left over from current and past projects and got cracking.


Gridding and Blocks. 

This is a form and structure I use often when creating conceptual designs for clients, for mood boards be it fabrics, wallpaper, adding hardware and mostly visually on the Mac to communicate design schemes and treatment options, I enjoy using a grid like system. 

On a good weight art paper I began laying them out and overlapping wherever it felt nice and natural, contrasting the patterns of bolder and neutrals. I added a fabric sample for some extra texture too. Then stuck them down to secure using a glue stick or a gun. Make sure you’re happy with the layout and line them up nice and tight to the edges before you commit to stick.


Geometrics and Abstracts

These forms done professionally are my current favourites. The variety available is insane, they look amazing and are so versatile in so many contemporary schemes. Print options are also a great cost effective way to easily lift a blank wall, bringing lots of personality.

Firstly I decided on my shapes, for the circular I used a marble ornament circle laying it flat and drew round it as I don’t have a compass to hand. For the triangles i just went straight diagonally across a sample sheet of paper. For the base, as previous just layed some contrasting patterns combined with the grid format. I’ve added a floral here too as a nice extra soften.

Play around with your shapes and layouts, there’s options a plenty.

Play around with your shapes and layouts, there’s options a plenty.

Add backgrounds via spray or alternative paints too.

Add backgrounds via spray or alternative paints too.

Getting ready to commit to stick!

Getting ready to commit to stick!

All stuck down. Now onto Frames.

All stuck down. Now onto Frames.

Painting Frames 

Following the wonderful online workshops over the last couple of weeks at Muck and Brass i’m pretty much ready to paint and gild anything and everything! Limited with my current supplies for furniture I’ve spruced up a couple of frames with what I have to hand.

I didn’t take pictures before as thought they’d just come out just ok and they’ve had their day. Pretty chuffed though, it’s amazing what a couple of coats of paint can do so give it a go before you throw. I painted the back of the larger frame too as the base was black. I’d of probably kept it an off white or a contrast to the outer frame had more paints been to hand. Alternatively fill the frame entirely as all shown in the final pictures.


Finished Results

Ta daaa! Done.

Overall I’ve used a neutral warm palette and pastel schemes here with lots of those I love, weathered distress finishes  concrete, antique bronze and steely finishes with tiling replications, lots of metallics, marble with a fashion cross over of snake print.

I’ll follow up with a list below of the papers used, these are just a small selection of those I love from the gorgeous Style Library.

Fill the frame or leave a border.

Fill the frame or leave a border.

Hints and Tips;

Make it personal. Tailor them to whatever you love, be it florals, bold eclectics or even a juxtaposition if you’re feeling the need to make expressive statements and shout out a little!

  • Be careful when cutting across wallpaper for shapes when going against the grain as it will naturally want to pull and rip. Use a Stanley knife on a solid surface versus scissors if possible. 

  • Works really well with fabrics too. Make sure they’re not too thick for your frames and glass cover though. 

  • Create on a canvas versus a frame.

  • Create a rainbow - Using other materials to fill with papers, prints and fabric. The cutting and sticking helps fill that bit more time too. 

  • Make it 3D - Using collectibles from holiday and our travels, coins, old notes, seashells or a favourite hobby. 

I hope they inspire for something else to get crafty with. Do tag or share with me your finished creations as i’d really love to see them.

Mostly have fun with it. Perhaps they can be nice keepsakes and a positive nod and reflection of the times when we had to stay safe and at home.

Lyns x

Solus Ceramics @ Grand Designs Birmingham

Solus Ceramics kindly gifted flooring for my Under the Stairs project set at Grand Designs Live October 9-13th 19.

It was a pleasure working alongside Mark to feature the Rock Face Geometric Design as previously fabricated and designed specifically for the Everyman Horsham Cinema project. It’s a dynamic, on trend statement solution for any hall and under the stairs space which can lead beautifully into a kitchen. It’s compiled of super large tiles which come pre-mesh cut for easy laying.

What I love about the fabrication service is it provides the ability to create a bespoke design for any client and their project working with a designer like myself i’ll create the pattern design initially. This provides a unique finish and brings lot’s of personality to spaces. I really hope to incorporate into future projects.

Thanks Solus Ceramics for featuring in my set at Birmingham, it looked gorgeous and also for this lovely write up after! :) Take a read below, including the lovely Horsham project.

Inspirational interior designer showcases Solus’ tiles at Grand Design 1competition | Solus Ceramics 1.jpg
Inspirational interior designer showcases Solus’ tiles at Grand Design competition | Solus Ceramics 2.jpg
Inspirational interior designer showcases Solus’ tiles at Grand Design competition | Solus Ceramics 3.jpg

Everyman Horsham

Replication of Horsham. As movie night became a more generic execution for the exhibition versus just one specific film, I leant on a mood board design that could have fallen into a commercial design space (See ‘portfolio’ for both boards and all set photo’s soon), I liked the cross over and saw this as an opportunity to push the boundaries on the finish combining elements of a residential and commercial space, we can take inspiration from places all around us and bring them into our homes.

As a side note, I love this gorgeous green it works beautifully with all the brass and gold accents for a super luxe indulgent finish.
